First of all I want to thank everyone for their response to the thread.
Now as for the metaphor (baby/bath water), I realize its an over simplification (I certainly didn’t intend any offense). I was intentionally careful to make it a question and not a comment. That said, I have spoken with many former JW’s over several years time who have abandoned their belief in God. It’s quite a coincidence. It naturally (for me anyway) makes one ponder the mental processes involved that helps a person to develop such a contrasting perspective from when they were God believing individuals. Considering the mind control the Watchtower Society has over the JW, and how it creates such an all or nothing paradigm, is seems to me at least possible that an individual may be set-up for a total discard of all or most of the cardinal beliefs associated with this particular religion, upon renouncing it. With God being the center of that belief system, I don’t see it as a leap of logic that some could renounce their belief in God as well. I also realize that everyone is an individual and I do not presume that everyone who leaves the Watchtower Society and no longer believes in God, dose so because of any ‘formula’. That would be silly to see it that way.
I myself am on a continual spiritual evolution and I’m not sure exactly where it will take me. As for my belief in God, I simply cannot deny it. To do so would not be true to who I am, anymore than it would be for someone who doesn’t believe, to pretend they do. I’m neither proud of my belief in God or am I embarrassed by it.
Finally, I respect other’s beliefs (especially my former JW friends) whether it parallels mine or not, and I do not in any way mean to diminish what others believe in (or what they don’t believe in). I simply wonder about the long reaches and ripple effects of a destructive power and force of a cult such as the Watchtower Society.
Any and all comments are welcome. If I have said anything offensive to anyone here on this forum, please accept my apology. I’m simply exploring all avenues.
Steve . . .